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7 Ways to Turn On a Computer Properly

Computers (Desktop PCs) are still widely used for various reasons. Among them are suitable for needs that require high component work. For example, editing videos or playing games.

Computers are also very easy to get. Whether it’s if we come to the computer store directly, or buy it online.

Unlike in the past, now the prices are also relatively affordable.

How to Turn on the Computer Correctly for Durability?

Well, talking about computers, of course, people who just bought want their computers to be durable and not quickly damaged in the short term.

Because of that, there is one thing that is a little interesting to discuss here, especially for beginners.

That is how to turn on the computer properly.

1. Connect the computer to the socket

How To Turn On A Computer With Pictures

Usually, when buying a computer there is already a built-in power cable package, so the cable is taken and then connected to the back of the computer, to a component called the power supply.

After connecting to the power supply, connect the power cable on the other side to a wall outlet (as shown in the example picture).

Check the back of the computer too, if there is a switch please change its position to ON. Its function is to activate the flow of electricity.

And if you use a UPS or stabilizer, don’t forget to connect it there.

2. Connect the Device Required Computer

How to Connect Computer Devices

By connecting the computer then the electricity is running.

The next step is to also connect the devices needed by the computer, such as a keyboard, mouse and speakers.

It’s easy. Take the keyboard and mouse cables and then connect the cables to the back of the computer. There is a connection there (it’s called a USB port ).

It’s the same for speakers too. But usually, speakers need additional power, which can be in the form of a USB or power cable.

3. Activate the Monitor

Turning on the Computer Monitor

If the laptop has become one with the monitor, but the computer is not. The computer monitor is separate so we have to connect it first.

First please connect the monitor cable to the back of the computer. There’s a port there. The form can be HDMI or DSUB (VGA). It looks like this:

Cable To Connect Monitor

If so, also connect the monitor power cable to the wall socket. Then turn on the monitor by pressing the power button on the bottom or side of the monitor.

4. Turn on the Computer

How to Turn on the Computer

If everything is connected correctly, then we can immediately turn on the computer. It’s easy, by pressing the power button on the casing (as shown in the picture).

When the computer is on, a fan sound will appear and the LED on the case will blink.

It’s even easier if you use a computer with a window. There can be seen very clearly the computer is active or not.

5. Wait for the Computer Boot Process

How To Turn On A Computer With Pictures

Before the computer can be used, it will go through a process called booting first. This process is a kind of loading that serves to load the system on the computer.

Isn’t it long? No. Average only 3-4 minutes. If the computer is good, it doesn’t even take a minute for it to load.

The characteristic of this boot process is that the Windows logo appears (as shown in the picture) with repeated loading.

6. Wait for the Initial Loading of the System

Loading Awal Startup

After booting, there is one more initial loading process on the system. That is when the system loads data and runs applications.

The term is called startup. It starts right after Windows loading is complete.

This startup process is faster than booting. Usually only about 1 to 2 minutes.

7. Computers can be used

Turn On Windows Computer

The boot and startup process is complete without any problems, then the computer can be used immediately.

You can do anything you want. open software, games, connect computers to the internet and others.

As usual, use the mouse and keyboard to use it.

How to turn off the computer

After using the computer, it must be turned off first. To turn off the computer, follow these steps:

Computer Shutdown That Turns On

  • Right-click the bottom left (There is a logo)
  • Then select Shutdown.
  • Wait for the process for a while until the led light on the computer and the fan turns off.

Do not forget to unplug all power cables including the monitor and power speakers. It aims to save electricity.

Except for the USB cable, you can leave it connected ( mouse, keyboard ). So that there is no need to bother to connect it later.

Just Read More Completely On How To Turn Off The Computer Properly

Troubleshooting When Turning On The Computer

The tutorial above is on how to turn on the computer in a normal scenario. So, what if a problem arises?

Here are the 3 most common issues:

#1. No Image When New Computer Turns On

Usually, the cause is in the cable that has not been installed properly. Check the attached HDMI or VGA cable. Disconnect then reconnect.

Also, try disconnecting the monitor power cable and then plugging it back in.

And check, how many HDMI/VGA ports are there on the back of the computer? If there is more than one, please try them all.

Check Computer Solution No Image

#2. The Computer Does Not Turn On At All

Usually, the power cable is not installed properly. Please check first, especially the one connected to the power supply.

Or you can also try to connect the power cable to a direct socket without using a plug that is extended with a cable.

#3. Computer Error Message Appears

Occurs on boot. An error message appears such as missing operating system and so on.

The cause is a system that was not installed when the computer was newly purchased. Try to find a friend who can, then ask for help to install.

The final word

So a little review on how to turn on the computer properly.

This information is intended for beginners who have just bought or assembled a computer but still don’t quite understand how to operate a computer.

If you feel something is not clear, please say so. So that later I can update this article to be more complete.

Hope it is useful.